Our membership fee for the year 2025-2026 is £36 per annum. This runs from April 1st to March 31st. Anyone joining after April will be charged on a pro rata basis. This fee means that you will be able to enjoy unlimited access to club runs. If you are interested in becoming a member, and can run 5k non-stop, please email us: and the membership secretary will reply to you. or use the Contact us form below. You can then arrange to take part in a free run with us before you decide on becoming a member.



Orchard Eagles Running Club is affiliated with England Athletics. If you wish to become affiliated the cost is a one off payment of £20, affiliation lasts until the end of the financial year when you will need to re-affiliate. There are several benefits to becoming affiliated with the club, including discounted entry to races, being able to participate in certain Cross-Country events, and being eligible for the club’s London Marathon ballot place. For further detail, please click below:

Contact us

Get in touch to start your running journey with us!