Secretary & Welfare Officer
Why Orchard Eagles Running Club?
For me running is about enjoying the experience and after running with the club on my free run, I realised that OERC was for me because the essence of the club is running for all. If you can run 5kms, you can be in this super friendly running club! I just thought that was so different to other running clubs I had been too. It’s not a competition, it’s about the enjoyment.
Why did you start running?
I wanted to lose weight. It’s exercise that starts straight from your front step and doesn’t really require much equipment. I also love being outdoors.
Which is your favourite distance?
Are you allowed to say 5kms…lol it is certainly the distance I do the most. However, I always get the most sense of achievement if I do 10kms. I have done a few half marathons, but a full marathon still alludes me! Maybe one day!
What is your greatest running achievement?
I am still running after 5 years of taking it up. I think as long as you keep running whatever the distance, just the fact you still consider yourself a runner means you should be proud of yourself!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself
I am a bit dog obsessed! We can’t bring dogs to club runs due to insurance, but I love nothing more than taking my springer out on a good run to tire him (and me) out!
Do you have a favourite quote?
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get. (And I love chocolate